

On Planting Seeds

Posted on March 14, 2023

Just as a small seed has the potential to grow into a mighty tree, I approach my investments with patience and consistency, planting seeds that can yield significant returns in the future.

In the fertile ground of the cryptocurrency realm, I have allocated nearly 19.8% of my portfolio to cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin holdings and investments in mining companies. This is the initial seed I've sown. Equities make up 32.2% of my portfolio, providing a solid foundation, while the remaining 47.9% is held in cash, representing the potential to plant more seeds.

Over the next year, my plan is to nurture and grow my crypto investments, aiming to match the allocation of my cash holdings at 47.9% by the end of the year. This patient and consistent approach reflects my belief in the longevity of Bitcoin and the eventual recognition of the benefits of blockchain technology.

Just as a tree takes time to grow and mature, I understand that navigating the cryptocurrency landscape requires patience. In times of pessimism, I remain steadfast and continue to make consistent investments. I am ready to seize opportunities that may arise, whether it's a bank failure or a project collapse. Like a vigilant gardener, I recognize that the darkest times can be the most fertile ground for growth.

If Bitcoin's price were to drop below 10k or even 15k, I see it as an opportunity to double down on my investments. I firmly believe that when Bitcoin ascends, it will overshadow all other assets, and I want to be well-prepared for that moment. By tending to my seeds of investment with care, I am cultivating the potential for substantial future returns.


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