

Invested for the long-term

Posted on February 03, 2022

"Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years." – Bill Gates

Many minds are ignited with ideas during a moment of solitude, such as during a shower. Yet, few have the audacity to bring these ideas to fruition. Making a difference in the world of web3 is only achievable by having the courage to implement these thoughts into tangible blockchain projects. The individuals who take action are the ones who truly make a difference in the rapidly evolving ecosystem. What is critical here is to be guided by the long-term potential of the decentralised future. Because I envision my position in the blockchain landscape in ten years, I can make the appropriate decisions today.

I often ponder how the decisions I make today will influence my position in the blockchain industry in ten years. If it aligns positively with my envisioned future self, I consider it a valuable investment into the crypto space. If it strays from my future vision, I regard it as a setback. This is the game I choose to play: in every facet of my life, and particularly in the context of blockchain and crypto investments. I strive to improve tomorrow by making fewer suboptimal decisions today.

The promise of the decentralised future fuels my creativity, paves the way for prosperity, and helps me align myself amidst constant change. I endeavour to absorb as much knowledge as possible about blockchain technology and the crypto markets, to navigate the myriad of potential pitfalls that await. I confront every challenge head-on, starting with an attitude of gratitude – thankful for the challenges, thankful for the journey. I focus on empathy and generosity, which comes naturally as I'm constantly orienting myself towards the person I'm evolving into. For me, having a long-term vision in the blockchain space is the only way.

Investing for the long term in the blockchain sector means living with change and benefiting from it. It's about identifying those blockchain projects and crypto-assets that thrive in the face of change, driven by a promising future. My goal is to identify these and allocate my crypto resources considering a level of risk for a reasonable rate of return. I'm engaged in crypto investments because I want to live freely and independently, to own decentralised enterprises, contribute to the economic development of the blockchain ecosystem, and use my accumulated wealth for philanthropic causes. I want to make a difference, and I'm confident that I will.

The noise of the present becomes irrelevant when one has trust in the promise of the decentralised future. This perspective is extremely beneficial when choosing blockchain projects to invest in. Patience and humility are the pillars of successful crypto investments. I may be the tortoise in this race, but I'm prepared and eager to be on the starting line when the opportunity arises. I keep my senses sharp, ready to seize opportunities in the dynamic crypto market.

Experimenting and embracing the unknown are vital in the world of web3. I'm prepared for whatever curveball life throws at me, and all I want is a better understanding of the blockchain reality. Adopting a future-oriented mindset in the blockchain space means embracing a mindset of abundance. As I write, I look towards the future for creativity, strength, and inspiration. This ongoing exercise of having a long-term vision in the blockchain space provides relief amidst the chaos of the present moment and represents the optimal way for me to navigate my blockchain journey.




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