

My Rules for successful investment

Posted on February 10, 2022

me in navigating the diverse landscape of investment opportunities. These principles not only keep me grounded but also help me make rational decisions, especially in the highly dynamic realm of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Let me share these rules with you.

Rule 1: Never allow the fear of missing out (FOMO) to drive investments. This rule becomes especially pertinent within the realm of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, where a wave of hype can often lead to hasty, ill-informed investment decisions. It's essential to remain rational and composed, allowing well-researched insights rather than emotions to guide your actions.

Rule 2: Invest in companies that appear to be trading at a significant discount. In other words, select only those companies that are a serious bargain in the market, with apparent upside potential. Even within the blockchain space, where valuations can be highly speculative, there are opportunities to identify undervalued projects or tokens based on technology, use case, adoption level, and team strength.

Rule 3: Think long-term when investing. A time horizon of 7-10 years is generally a good measure to hold any one stock or asset. The blockchain world is nascent, and many of its most promising innovations may require years to achieve full potential. Thus, long-term thinking aligns well with the investment opportunities in the blockchain space.

Rule 4: Never sell stocks prematurely. If the return on a company is negative and the impulse to sell arises, hold it for at least another year. In the volatile world of blockchain, it can be tempting to sell during a market downturn. However, patience is often rewarded in the form of recovery and potential long-term growth.

Rule 5: Never blindly copy other investors. Make a careful assessment yourself and form your own honest opinions. With countless influencers in the crypto space offering advice, it's essential to conduct personal research and critically evaluate investment options. Not every "hot tip" aligns with your investment strategy or risk tolerance.

Rule 6: Make thoughtful investment decisions. Document your analysis, assumptions, and hypotheses to review at a later date. This practice can be especially useful in the blockchain space, where the rapid pace of development can lead to changes in project trajectories and valuations. Use your recorded thoughts as a learning tool and a means to refine your investment strategy over time.

Rule 7: Embrace a mindset of continuous learning. Read and educate yourself regularly to stay informed about the evolving landscape of investments. This is particularly relevant in the blockchain sector, where developments occur at a fast pace. Taking responsibility for your financial future means staying informed and ready to adapt your strategy in response to new information. Remember, knowledge is power, especially in the world of investing.


In conclusion, my approach to investing, rooted in these seven rules, helps me maintain clarity and focus in my financial journey. From resisting the fear of missing out to embracing continuous learning, these principles serve as my compass, especially in the complex blockchain space. By adhering to these rules, I aim to make informed decisions, mitigate risks, and optimize my potential for long-term wealth creation. Investing is not just about making money for me; it's about growing, learning, and making a meaningful impact in the process. And, as I navigate this journey, I take these rules as my guiding light.




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